Friday, November 27, 2009

New Android Application:JulianDay

Julian Day converts a Gregorian (calendar) date to a Julian day of the year (and from Julian to Gregorian). For example, January 1 is Julian 1, February 28 is Julian 59, etc. Of course, for a leap year February 29 would be Julian 60.

Julian Day (the application) is an interactive calculator. You can solve for any legal Julian day or any Gregorian date.

Julian day (the calendar) is commonly employed by agriculture, food service, manufacturing and the military. It provides a simple mechanism to track manufacturing dates, production dates or just as a simple way to track days.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Android Application:FlagBag

FlagBag provides images for all 68 international (INTERCO) and NATO nautical signal flags. Each flag is displayed along w/the common meaning (if any).

FlagBag is a free download on Android market. Check it out!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New iPhone Application:BuzzGen

BuzzGen for iPhone/iPod is the ultimate executive buzzword generator. Get a copy and enhance your career! More information here.

Monday, November 2, 2009

New iPhone Application: DiscorDate

Now available on iTunes: "DiscorDate" - performs interactive date conversion between the heathen Gregorian calendar and the true Discordian/Erisian calendar. Screenshots and details on our website.